The Government of the Philippines has introduced an online system for National Police Clearance Online. National Police Clearance Online System provides an online platform for Police Clearance by providing a comprehensive, fast, easy, and reliable NPCS.
Applicant’s police clearance is required for local job search. The process of getting National Police Clearance has become easier as you no longer need to stand in queues. All you need to get National Police Clearance is a good internet connection and a computer. After which you can get National Police Clearance easily.
Your documents are stored faster and easier with the Philippine National Police. The National Police Clearance Online System is used nationwide to issue police clearances through online applications. Which seeks to improve criminal record checks.
What is National Police Clearance In the Philippines?

According to the Philippine database, the National Police Clearance certifies that the individual has no criminal or negative past. The National Police is usually one of these documents, which is very important for job seekers to provide to their new employees.
The Philippine government recognizes it as a legitimate form of transactional identification, such as credit card applications, National ID cards, and NBI clearances. DFA does not accept police clearance as valid identification for COMELEC voter registration.
The Philippine National Police Clearance Online introduction of the Centralized National Police Clearance System, which consolidates criminal records from multiple locations into a single unified database. The applicant no longer needs to obtain clearance at his workplace or home.
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New Update About PNP Online Registration Procedure To Know In 2024
The online application system for the PNP Online Registration Procedure is an advantage that individuals can avail of. So far, all Filipinos living in the Philippines have faced many difficulties in the online application process. From waiting in line at the police station to facing technical glitches, getting a PNP clearance can be frustrating. In…
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Pay Fees Via G Cash For Police Clearance Verification in 2024
You can pay fees via G Cash For Police Clearance. If you are a G Cash user in the Philippines, you must have heard that you need to verify your account to access all the features and benefits. One of the valid IDs you use to verify this is a Police Clearance ID. What is…
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Know The New Process To Apply Police Clearance Online in CDO 2024
A PNP Police Clearance Online in CDO is a document that is issued to verify that a person has or does not have a criminal record. You can now complete the online application process for police clearance in (CDO). Under this process, you can easily apply at home. The procedure to complete the application process…
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Getting A Police Clearance Certificate From Local Police Station Complete Guide 2024
Certificate From Local Police Station A Police Clearance Certificate is a document issued by the National Police, you can get the Certificate From a Local Police Station or the Government to verify an individual’s criminal record. To find out whether there is any criminal record of this person in the PNP database or not. This…
How To Get A Police Clearance Certificate Sample: Complete Method Details In 2024
Police Clearance Certificate Sample is the required document that completes the criminal record verification process. Police Police are often required for a variety of purposes such as travel abroad for employment and background checks. However, when you get approval for a police clearance sample, some things are unclear. Many people find it difficult to understand…
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New Procedure To Pay Police Clearance Fees Via Online Portal 2024
Getting a police clearance in the Philippines is an easy process and paying Police Clearance fees is easy. However, it is very important to understand its objective cost and accuracy. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about Police Clearance in the Philippines. Everything from what it is to how to…
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PNP Police Clearance Requirements Procedure To Get Police Clearance In 2024
If you are looking for a new job or are planning to study abroad and simply meet the Police Clearance requirements, getting a Philippine resident police clearance is important. There is a step. A police clearance is a document that completes the process of verifying an individual’s identity and the absence of any criminal or…
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National Police Clearance Sample Updated Guide to Get Police Clearance 2024
The Police Clearance Sample National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance, often referred to as the Police Clearance Certificate, is an essential document for Filipinos. Still, when it comes to sample approval, it can be confusing as many people struggle to understand the format. What each section means and the specific details will be explained to…
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How To Pay The Fee For NPC Via Land Bank Of The Philippines 2024/25
If you need to obtain a National Police Clearance essential step is paying the Fee for NPC Via Land Bank: As of 2024, you can conveniently pay this fee through the Land Bank of the Philippines. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment process. What is National…
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(PNP) National Police Clearance Registration Online 2024

- To register for National Police Clearance, you have to open the official website NPCS.

- You have to enter all the information to create a new account. All of this information will be used to identify you during the login process.
- After that, you have to log in to your email account. After that NPCS will send you an email to confirm the registration process of the app.

- After that please check your Email inbox and click on the message to confirm your registration.
- Please click on the link to continue the registration process, after which you will be redirected to the login page.
(PNP) National Police Clearance Login

After entering the account number and password PIN, you will see the Online details and payment summary.
(PNP) National Police Clearance Online Application

- When you sign up, your basic profile details will be shown after signing up
- You have to edit your profile
- Click the Edit Profile button
- All information required for the transaction is to be provided
- If you enter any incorrect information, review and correct your information before clicking Save Profile
(PNP) Police Clearance Payment Online

- Please click on your Land Bank of the Philippines button and save the appointment
- After that, you have to note down or save the generated reference number
- After clicking the Pay to Land Bank button you have to pay to Land Bank

- You will be given a link to access the LBP E-Payment portal website for payment and the following options are available:
- Under LBP ATM
- Under G Cash
- Under Bank Net Cards
- To process the LBP payment you have to follow the following steps
Police Clearance Photo And Fingerprint Capture
The applicant should go to the selected police station on the scheduled date and time and submit these documents at the police station.
- (ii) Valid issued ID;
- Have the reference number
- There must be an official receipt of payment

- The applicant’s biometric signature and photograph will be taken before clearance is granted.
Is Personal Appearance Required For Police Clearance?
If you apply for national or local police, you need to appear in person at the police station. While a police officer may have all of the applicant’s digitized records, personal information and appearance changes over time. This process can be improved if you show your photograph and biometrics to update these records after getting an online appointment under Police National Police Clearance.
If you apply for local police clearance, you can apply for clearance at your municipal hall without getting an online appointment and then get clearance.
Release of Clearance
For Without “HIT“
When your name is called to release your clearance, you have to wait before it is released.
For With “HIT“
You should wait for the verification officer to advise or instruct you about the verification process. After all the matters are settled, you will be issued a clearance.
Police Clearance Requirements
You have to present the following police clearance requirements at the police station on the date of appointment.
Two valid IDs
- Reference number
- Official receipt
After submitting your application NPCS will give you a reference number and after payment, an official receipt will be prepared and given to you. Two valid IDs are required for Philippine National Police clearance applications.
- LTO Driving License
- PRC ID License
- The registration form must be accompanied by the school identification
- Alien Certificate of Registration
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Full Health ID
- Phill ID
- Senior Citizen ID
- National Identity
If you have only one valid ID, the Philippine National Police will accept the original receipt. It may also have cameras for identification so the applicant must have a two-by-two photograph.
Who Is Eligible For Police Clearance
Police clearance in the Philippines is usually required for various purposes such as employment, travel, or other official transactions, Eligibility criteria for obtaining police clearance may vary slightly depending on local regulations, but generally, the following persons are eligible to obtain Police Clearance.
Citizens of the Philippines
- Adult Filipino citizens who require National Clearance for employment, business, or other legal purposes are eligible to apply easily.
Foreign Nationals
- Foreign nationals residing in the Philippines are also required to obtain National Police cards for certain purposes.
Applicants for specific transactions
- Applicants for certain transactions such as job applicants, business permit applicants, or visa applicants may be required to obtain a police clearance.
Philippine students
- Some educational institutions or organizations require students to obtain a National Police Clearance as part of the admission process.
Other persons
- Individuals who require National Clearance for various legal or official purposes are eligible to obtain National Police Clearance. This includes individuals who apply for a permit, license, or certification.
How Many Types Of (PNP) Police Clearance In the Philippines?
Despite Police Clearance being centralized and far more efficient, Online apartments for National Police Clearance are still limited to a few police stations. There are two types of police clearances. One of which is National Police Clearance and the other is Local Police Clearance. Police stations may offer a criminal record check and may also obtain one of the following clearances for you.
National Police Clearance
There are many similarities between National Police Clearance and NBI Clearance in terms of scope. When a police officer obtains information from a database, he determines whether a citizen has a criminal history not only within the city or municipality but also in other areas of the country. National Police are making it only available at a few police stations and also need inline apartments.
Local Police Clearance
With the popularity of online appointments, you used to get this clearance the old-fashioned way. The purpose of the criminal history check is to determine whether the individual has a criminal record within the municipality. Usually, you need this type if you are looking for a job in an area. If you apply for LPC, you should check with the requesting authority whether you need NPC or LPC. NPCS covers a narrower range of activities than LPC. Hence you should check with the requesting authority before applying.
How to apply for National Police Clearance Online?
If you apply for a police clearance in the Philippines, you should follow these steps.
- You should visit the official website
- After that, you have to click on Clearance Request
- If you want to claim clearance after processing, you have to select the PNP station where you want to do so, then think about your current location and pick-up facility.
- Select a time and date that is convenient for you. Slots are displayed according to the capacity of the selected police station.
- The payment options you have to go to are mainly the Land Bank of the Philippines. The reference number generated after payment will be unique.
- Please check your application details carefully before confirming your submission. Once confirmed, you cannot make any further changes to your application.
How to Apply for Local Police Clearance?
The process of obtaining local police clearance is very favorable, if you don’t have any criminal record you can get it easily.
- It will take a few minutes depending on the number of applicants and the distance between the police station and the municipal treasurer’s office.
- You have to visit the police station whose jurisdiction covers your residence.
- It is usually located in the municipal hall or city hall compound and you should have no trouble finding it.
- You have to go to the helpdesk and talk to everyone and tell them that you are getting police clearance.
- You will get a police clearance application form from the representative
- You have to fill out this application form and submit it to the police officer along with the required documents.
- The officer will ask you to go to the local treasurer’s office to pay his fee to the National Police.
- The official receipt you have to take back to the police station is the next step.
- You will then be asked to attach your fingerprints to us on the application.
- The police officer will check your record to see if you have any outstanding warrants and hits.
- If you are cleared then you will get National Police Clearance.
Latest Update About National Police Clearance
The process of getting a National Police Clearance Certificate in the Philippines is very easy. However, the time it takes varies depending on the location. It may take one to three days if you apply in person and it may be even faster with online application. Preparing all your documents ahead of time will help you build your process. If you need a certificate quickly, consider using expedited services.
Local Police Clearance Vs National Police Clearance
There are two types of police clearance in the Philippines, one of which has a different scope. Local police clearance applies only to a city or municipality, while national police clearance applies to the country.
- The National Police Clearance is valid anywhere in the Philippines which means you can use it anywhere in the Philippines. If you are from Cebu and want to work in Manila, you do not need to apply for local police clearance. You can apply for National Clearance instead.
- National Police Clearance can be used by you for any purpose while Local Police Clearance has a specific purpose which will be printed on the certificate only.
- Local Police Clearance also has higher requirements such as Community Taxes Certificate Color Clearance valid IDs and National Police Clearance requires two valid IDs.
In summary, National Clearance has the following advantages over Local Clearance:
Wide scope of coverage: National clearance can be used anywhere in the Philippines.
Multipurpose: It can serve any purpose.
Less requirements: You only need to present two valid IDs.
Faster Processing: No need to enter your data under the process so if you apply online, you will get clearance faster.
What is the Difference Between Police Clearance and NBI Clearance?
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance and police clearance serve as proof of a person’s good standing and background, so we have some important differences between the two:
Issuing Authority: The National Bureau of Investigation is a government agency responsible for criminal investigations and intelligence gathering. NBI issues clearances while local police departments issue police clearances.
Scope of Coverage: Police clearance procedures typically provide information about a person’s local criminal record in a particular jurisdiction. Most of them apply for employment purposes, licenses, and other local administrative duties. NBI Clearance covers criminal records nationwide and provides more comprehensive background check information.
They are often required for sensitive positions, official transactions, and certain legal proceedings.
Validity: Police clearance is generally valid for six months while NBI clearance is valid for only one year, unless otherwise specified, the validity is extended.
Application Process: The application process for both clearances also differs. To get a police clearance, you need to apply online along with submitting identity card documents and paying the relevant fees at the local police station. Is included. While applying for NBI clearance online application requires appointment for fingerprinting and photo capture and payment of applicable fee. After following this method one has to go to the NBI clearance center.
National Police Clearance Fees
Regular Clearance: This standard option incurs a processing fee of $150. After making the payment you can claim the clearance within the regular time frame
Express processing: Some police stations offer express processing options for those who require early clearance.
National Police Clearance Processing Time
Regular Processing: You can expect your clearance to be ready to claim within 10 to 15 working days after submitting your application.
Express Processing: Some police stations can process within 24 hours of clearing the station if you opt for express processing.
Key Features of National Police Clearance
Here are some general features and aspects associated with Police Clearance in the Philippines

Key Features | Detail |
Local Issuance | Police clearances are usually issued at the local level under city or municipal police stations. |
Purpose | Police clearances are often required for various purposes such as business travel and other legal or administrative information. |
Application Process | Some regions offer an online application and payment service for the convenience of the applicant. |
Processing Time | Processing time for police clearance varies by region but can often take a few days to two weeks. |
Fees | Fees associated with obtaining a police clearance may vary, and the amount may also vary from place to place. |
Validity | Police clearances are usually valid for a certain period after which individuals need to renew them if necessary. |
Online Services | Some regions offer an online application and payment service for the convenience of the applicant |
Record Check | The clearance process often involves a background check to ensure that the individual does not have a criminal record that would disqualify them from obtaining the clearance. |
National Police Clearance Contact Information
Discover convenience at the NPCS One-Stop Shop in Busy Spray Dil, Quezon City. Renowned for its excellence, NPCS offers a diverse range of premium car creams, ensuring a smooth and complete customer experience.
- Quezon City
Location Code
- 7663
Phone Number
- (02) 8723-0401
How Can Apply For National Police Clearance Online?
- You should visit the official website
- After that, you have to click on Clearance Request
- If you want to claim clearance after processing, you have to select the PNP station where you want to do so, then think about your current location and pick-up facility.
- Select a time and date that is convenient for you.
What Is The National Police Clearance Certificate In The Phillippines?
The National Police Clearance certifies that the individual has no criminal or negative past. The National Police is usually one of these documents.
How Much Is The National Police Clearance Fees?
This standard option incurs a processing fee of $150. After making the payment you can claim the clearance within the regular time frame
How Can I Get a National Police Clearance In the Philippines Abroad?
The Philippines allows representatives to obtain your NBI clearance certificate if you are abroad.
Why Do You Need Police Clearance In The Phillippines?
Apart from providing a reliable and trustworthy basis for determining an individual’s integrity and character, they enable trust and confidence to be built in various contexts.
What Is Common Difference Between Police Clreanace And National Police Clearance?
This clearance is granted by the local police and its approval varies. It is to be understood that the approval of the local police only clarifies it from the point of view of the local municipality.
How Can I Get Police Clearance From A Local Police Station?
If you have lived in such an area for some years, you must go to the nearest police station. Please fill in all the information on the application form for police clearance provided by police officials.
In Which City Is The Police Clearance Office?
The Police Clearance Office is located in Quezon City
What Is The Phone Number Of Police Clearance?
Police Clearance Phone Number is (02) 8723-0401
Final Thoughts
Hope all your issues related to the National Police Clearance Online Program 2024 are cleared. We have tried to give you complete useful information about getting police clearance online in this article.
If you face any problems regarding police recruitment in the Philippines then you have to visit our website. After clicking on the link you can easily get your information and also solve your problems.